Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why I came to Memphis College of Fart

/// Besides my mother nagging at me to make something of myself, and the 10 years old desire for warmer winters, I came to Memphis, Tennessee to pursue a career in the arts and music. Money's always kind of been a thing, so college- art college, especially seemed like a dream. On a Minnesota cold winter's night, on a whim and with a smile, I just started the application process. /// I hope to get the best out of all of my required classes, even though most of them have little to do with my intended major. I came here hoping to major in Photography, mainly photographing fashion and/or doing photo journalism or documentaries and/or wildlife. I am also interested in Sculpture and Illustration as other possible majors. I would like to minor in Art History but currently I am still undecided. I'd like to use my artistic knowledge and eye for design to help me open my own business eventually. The advertising/design aspect will be helpful to me as I plan to come up with my main concept and target markets. I have also considered a career teaching... /// *ESQ*